"Needless to say, I took a lot of criticism, some of it deserved, some of it excessive. And it hurt like you wouldn't believe. But I'm telling you all this for a reason. I've had a lot of success and I've had a lot of failure. I've looked good and I've looked bad. I've been praised and I've been criticized. But my mistakes have been necessary."- Conan O'Brien during his commencement speech for the Harvard Class of 2000 http://www.february-7.com
When I came across this quote from Conan O'Brien, I must say that I was pretty impressed. I've always thought that the guy was funny and with humor, I think one should possess some wit, but this quote made him look pretty darn wise, imho.
"Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies — 'God damn it, you've got to be kind.' "- Kurt Vonnegut http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/11/books/11cnd-vonnegut.html
I somehow came across this quote when I first heard about Mr. Vonnegut's passing. I just have to wonder if he was kind during the 85 years he was on this earth.
"There are a lot of adults who still react childishly to challenges, of course. What you don't often find are kids who react to challenges like adults. When you do, you've found an adult, whatever their age."- Paul Graham http://www.paulgraham.com/notnot.html
I have the pleasure of having met and knowing Paul Graham. He has some very interesting ideas and they are surreally similar to my husband's ideas. It's funny to see the two get really excited about the most outrageous concepts. Great minds really do think alike, I suppose.
These quotes just made me unconsciously nod my head with agreement.
"we live in a culture where mental illness is so incredibly popular that you're almost considered abnormal if you don't have one"http://www.violentacres.com
"The most obvious failure of our education system is the number of 'educated' people who are financially illiterate and seem to have no concept of personal responsibility."http://www.steve-olson.com
"Love your child enough to wait until you're an adult who is emotionally mature enough to raise him."http://www.violentacres.com
"Don't limit yourself to good ideas."- Paul Buchheit paulbuchheit.blogspot.com
"Humans aren't rational -- they rationalize."
"The people who were wrong were rewarded. And they go right on mocking the people who were right."http://www.foxnews.com/story/0
Yeah, I was also surprised that this came from "Faux" News.
"We achieve much more in peace than...unconstitutional, undeclared wars."- Ron Paul http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=3958
Gosh, I really hope this guy becomes president someday.
"Parents and caretakers are the baby's first and best teachers. They instinctively adjust their speech, eye gaze and social signals to support language acquisition. Watching attention-getting DVDs and TV may not be an even swap for warm social human interaction"http://www.scientistlive.com
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