Monday, December 10, 2007

Came across the following while I was rummaging through some files in my old laptop:

Thoughts on Love:

Love can be anything, depending on how you use it.
It can cure, it can heal.
But at the same time, it can hurt.
On the one hand, it can be a remedy for pain.
On the other, it's poison.
Love can make you look forward to frolicking under the sun or cuddling by the fire
But it can also make you dread dreary days and cold, lonely nights
As comforting as love can be, it can also make you restless and anxious
Love is something one should be careful with
Love can be easily given as well as difficult to return
Love can be misused and mistaken for something else
You can love someone and later on doubt that you should have
One minute believe with all your being that that person deserves your love
But later on realize that that person wasn't so deserving
You risk so much when you love
Why else can it hurt so much?
Love can make you feel like you've got everything figured out
But love can also make you feel like an idiot
Love can make you proud
Love can make you ashamed
Love can be everything
Love can be nothing.

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